Автоматизована платформа
Due to the fast-growing market for electric and hybrid vehicles, the production of high voltage cables has increased. Automation is crucial for efficient and economical production. Komax offers suitable solutions by utilizing flexible Lambda platforms, adding process modules, cable-specific kits, and quality tools to automate desired processes according to customer needs.
Вирішення для обробки високовольтних кабелів
Автоматизована платформа HIGH VOLTAGE
The Lambda 141 offers as a compact solution stability and high-quality processing for various HV cables, featuring quick-change tooling, three cable processing modules with integrated cleaning unit.
Thanks to its compact footprint and ergonomic design, the Lambda 141 proves to be a versatile solution for HV cable processing. It is available with 3 process stations, making it capable of tasks such as shield cutting, shield folding, and rotary stripping of insulation all in one. Impressively, it accomplishes these tasks within a cycle time of less than 20 seconds. The machine is equipped to handle cables with a minimum length of over 400 mm and a stripping length of less than 100 mm for outer insulation. Operating the Lambda 141 is intuitive, with a user-friendly touch panel interface designed for single-person operation. It has the same HMI like the Lambda 240 series with a 10" touch screen. Its MES interface allows seamless integration into manufacturing systems, while swift tooling changeover ensures minimal downtime and enhanced efficiency.
The Lambda 240 processes smaller quantities of various types of high-voltage wires. Quick changeover time allows for easy product changeovers and ensures flexibility.
With the simple change of recipes and the flexible tool change, the Lambda 240 can be used for different processing processes of high-voltage wires. This ensures high flexibility and is therefore particularly suitable for smaller production sizes. The modular platform system (MPS) allows the machine layout to be individually designed with the required process modules. The machine platform is available in two sizes to ensure that only the required space is used: The narrow machine design can handle 2–3 process modules, while the wide frame version can contain 2–5 process modules. If the production volume is between 250 and 600,000 wire ends per year, this machine is the perfect solution.
The Lambda 440 enables automated parallel processing of high-voltage cables for high-quality production of higher quantities of the same connector family.
The Lambda 440 is freely configurable through platform-independent modules. These can be assembled according to the production requirements of the different connector and cable types. The Lambda 440 contains the same MPS modules (Modular Platform System) as the Lambda 240. This machine platform is available in two sizes. Depending on the need for modules, the machine can be extended from two meters to three meters. The Lambda 440 can perform customized process steps up to the final assembly of a connector. This makes the modular platform 440 the perfect solution for wire processing when the production volume is between 700,000 and 1,200,000 cable ends per year.